Math Problems for 4th Graders

These word problems are great for fourth (4th) grade students looking for word problems practise.

These questions cover Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and include answers and explanations for students to review. The links below include worksheets in PDF for students to do download and practise on their own.

The questions are designed as story sums to give students real word examples of applying the operations.

Mixed Addition and Subtraction Word Problems for 4th Graders

A painting is 110 cm from the floor. The painting is 50 cm tall. If there is still 60 cm of space between the top of the painting and the ceiling, how tall is the wall?

  • Answer


  • Explanation

    We need to add the distances together to get the length of the wall.
    Distance painting from floor = 110cm
    Length of painting = 50cm
    Distance top of painting to celing = 60cm
    Total distance = 110cm + 50cm + 60cm = 220cm.

A brother is 15 cm taller than his sister but is 30 cm shorter than his mom. His sister is 130 cm tall. How tall is his mom?

  • Answer


  • Explanation

    Let's start by calculating the brother's height.
    We know the sister is 130 cm tall and the brother is 15 cm taller than her so we need to add those together. 130 + 15 is 145 cm.
    We then know the brother is 30 cm shorter than his mom so we need to add this to get the mom's height:
    145cm + 30cm = 175cm.

A cow, sheep and goat are standing next to each other. The cow is 35 cm taller than the sheep. The sheep is 105 cm tall. The cow is 65 cm taller than the goat. How tall is the goat?

  • Answer


  • Explanation

    We know the sheep is 105 cm so the cow must be 105 cm + 35 cm = 140 cm tall.
    Since the cow is 65 cm taller than the goat we need to subtract this from the cow's height:
    140 cm - 65 cm = 75cm.

A building is 113 levels tall and is increased by another 14 levels. How many levels tall is the building now?

At the store, I bought an apple for $7, two bananas for $2 each and milk for $3. I paid with a $20 note. What was my change?

  • Answer


  • Explanation

    Add the items together first $7 (apple) + $4 (two bananas for $2 each) + $3 (milk) = $14
    Take what you paid ($20) and subtract what it cost ($14): $20 - $14 = $6.

In a pet store, a tank has 44 fish. 12 new fish are added to the tank and 15 are sold. How many are left?

  • Answer


  • Explanation

    Add the new fish and subtract those that are sold
    44 + 12 - 15 = 41

There are 22 pizzas to be shared amoung friends. 7 have olive, onion and salami toppings and 8 just have olive and onion toppings. How many have no onion?

  • Answer


  • Explanation

    We add together those that have onion: 7 + 8 = 15.
    Then subtract this from the total number of pizzas 22 - 15 = 7.

A coffee shop sells 13 coffees on Monday, 14 on Tuesday, 18 on Wednesday and 22 on Friday. If 82 coffee were sold in the week, how many were sold on Thursday?

  • Answer


  • Explanation

    13 (Monday) + 14 (Tuesday) + 18 (Wednesday) + 22 (Friday) = 67
    82 - 67 = 15

A total of $88 is spent on groceries. If $34 was spent on fruit, $22 on vegatables and the rest on household items, how much was spent on household items?

  • Answer


  • Explanation

    $34 + $22 = $56 was spent on non-household items.
    $88 - $56 = $32 on household items.

In my grade there are 98 students and 3 classes. If there are 33 students in Class A and 31 in Class B, how many children are in Class C?

  • Answer


  • Explanation

    31 + 33 = 64 in classes A and B
    Subtract this from the total for the grade:
    98 - 64 = 34

Mixed Multiplication and Division Word Problems

Terry can do five times more situps than Andre. If Andre can do 15 situps, how many can Terry do?

  • Answer


  • Explanation

    We need to multiply 15 by 5 to get Terry's situps:
    15 x 5 = 75.

A pirate finds a cheast filled with 99 coins. He wishes to share these coins equally amoungst his 8 maties and keep the same share for himself. How many coins does each pirate get?

  • Answer

    11 coins each

  • Explanation

    Don't forget to add the pirate to his maties before you divide!
    In total there are 8 maties plus the main pirate = 9 pirates total.
    99 coins / 9 pirates = 11 coins each.

What is the product of these four numbers?

A car is driving at 30 miles per hour. How long will it take to travel 120 miles keeping the same speed?

  • Answer

    4 hours

  • Explanation

    We need to divide the total miles by the miles travelled per hour:
    120 total / 30 per hour = 4 hours

A hotel has 5 floors of which one is the basement and one is for the reception area. All other floors are for guest rooms. If there are 40 guests per guest floor, how many guests can stay in the hotel?

  • Answer

    120 guests per floor

  • Explanation

    Make sure to subtract the non-guest floors from the total:
    5 - 2 = 3
    Then times those floors by guests per floor:
    3 x 40 = 120 guests per floor.

There are five motorbikes and seven quadbikes in a shop. How many wheels are there in the shop?

  • Answer

    38 wheels

  • Explanation

    Motorbikes have 2 wheels and quadbikes have four wheels so we need to multiply by the number of vehicles:
    (5 motorbikes x 2) + (7 quadbikes x 4) = 38

There are 57 fruits in a basket. There five grape bunches that hold 9 grapes each, the rest of the fruits are apples. How many apples are there?

  • Answer

    12 apples

  • Explanation

    First calculate the number of grapes by multiplying the bunches by the grapes per bunch:
    9 x 5 = 45 grapes
    Total fruits = 57. Therefore subtract the grapes to get the total apples
    57 - 45 = 12

There are 66 pens held in stationary cases. There are half a dozen pens per stationary case. How many pens are there in each stationary case?

  • Answer

    11 pens per stationary case

  • Explanation

    Half a dozen is 12 divided by 2 which is 6.
    The total number of pens is 66 therefore we need to divide this by 6:
    66 / 6 = 11 pens per stationary case.

How much would each person get if you shared $60 amoungst yourself and five friends?

  • Answer


  • Explanation

    Don't forget to include yourself in the total number of people:
    5 friends + you = 6 people
    Now divide the $60 by 6 people:
    $60 / 6 = $10 per person

A parking lot has 275 parking spaces in total with 55 spaces per level. How many levels are there?

  • Answer

    5 levels

  • Explanation

    Divide the total number of parking spaces by spaces per level:
    275 / 55 = 5