Money counting word problems for 3rd grade

These money counting word problems are great for ages 8 and older who are looking to improve their money skills.

How many coins are in this pile?

Which of these piles of notes adds to $18?

How much do the pencils cost all together?

How many coins are there in the two piles?

  • Answer


  • Explanation

    Count! There are 11 in the first pile and 7 in the second pile.

Count how much money you would need to buy all of this stationery.

Which of these groups of coins is correct? (hint: 1 dime = 10¢ , 1 quarter = 25¢)

How much money is there in the two piles of coins?

  • Answer


  • Explanation

    Count! There are 11 coins in the first pile and 11 coins in the second pile, therefore 22 coins in total.

You are given the selection of toys below, what can you buy given the money you have?

  • Answer

    The duck OR the dinosaur

  • Explanation

    $5 + $5 + $2 + 25¢ + 25¢ + 25¢ + 25¢ = $13
    You have $13 in total.

How many dollars are in this pile?

Which of these groups of coins is correct? (hint: 1 dime = 10¢ , 1 quarter = 25¢)

  • Answer


  • Explanation

    1 dime + 1 dime + 1 dime + 5¢ = 35¢
    10¢ + 10¢ + 10¢ + 5¢ = 35¢